தமிழ்நாடு திறந்தநிலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம்

எல்லோருக்கும் எப்போதும் கல்வி

Tamil Nadu Open University

Education for All and Ever

NAAC 'A+' Grade with CGPA 3.32 (Cycle - 1)

(A State Open University established by the Tamil Nadu Government , Recognised by UGC-DEB, Accorded with 12(B) status by UGC
Member in Asian Association of Open Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities)



To improve the quality of education and assumes the responsibility of developing effective mechanisms, maintaining quality standards,providing advice, and ensuring the ongoing progress of continuous quality improvement aligns with national development and pursuing the betterment of the society.


  • To ensure the provision of high-quality services to learners is maintained.
  • To Engage in self-evaluative and reflective practices to continuously enhance the quality of all systems and processes within the University.
  • To Contribute to identifying key areas where the University should prioritize quality maintenance.
  • To Develop mechanisms to ensure that the quality of Open and Distance Learning and Online programs matches that of relevant programs offered in conventional modes.
  • To drive quality improvement efforts by establishing mechanisms for interaction and obtaining feedback from various stakeholders.
  • To Create a learner-centred environment incorporating ICT- enabled teaching, research tools, learner support systems, and knowledge sharing.

Get In Touch

    Tamil Nadu Open University
No 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai - 600 015.


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