தமிழ்நாடு திறந்தநிலைப் பல்கலைக்கழகம்

எல்லோருக்கும் எப்போதும் கல்வி

Tamil Nadu Open University

Education for All and Ever

NAAC 'A+' Grade with CGPA 3.32 (Cycle - 1)

(A State Open University established by the Tamil Nadu Government , Recognised by UGC-DEB, Accorded with 12(B) status by UGC
Member in Asian Association of Open Universities and Association of Commonwealth Universities)


Institutional Distinctiveness

Portray the performance of the Institution in two areas distinctive to its priority and thrust

Tamil Nadu Open University, the only State Open University in Tamil Nadu, in line with its vision, has been expanding opportunities for life-long higher education and is democratizing education by making it inclusive. TNOU adopts an innovative, flexible skill training for the unemployed and employed, which encourages rural learners.


  • Access to higher education for large segments of population, particularly, the disadvantaged groups living in remote and rural areas, working people, homemakers and other adults who wish to upgrade, acquire knowledge.
  • To continually offer opportunities for upgrading knowledge, training and skills in the context of innovations, research and discovery in all fields of human endeavours.
  • Flexible, robust curricula, educational access, deep knowledge and promote entrepreneurial skills.
  • Education and training in arts and crafts.


The University with its headquarters in Chennai and 12 Regional Centres in the major cities of Tamil Nadu carries out its academic activities. The University is offers 138 academic programmes, encompassing a wide range of disciplines with the 11 Schools of Studies and 5 Divisions. The academic programmes are delivered through the vast network of 191 Learner Support Centres. 140 Community Colleges also deliver TNOU skill development programmes.

This is the first of its kind co-operative initiative in the entire country. TNOU has knowledge partners in the form of academic institutions and industries. The University has established an e-learning centre in the context of fast-changing scene and the e-Learning Centre has been accorded an important role in developing e-Learning content and research activity.

The University has established its distinctive approach towards this comprehensive vision by modelling it in a way which is so unique and this idea started as Education Process Re-Engineering (EPR). The approaches are:

  • Excellence in Rural services through Community Colleges
  • Knowledge through Global Research

Excellence in Rural services through Community Colleges

Community College is an alternative system of education, which is aimed at the empowerment of the disadvantaged groups and the underprivileged groups through appropriate skills development leading to gainful employment in collaboration with local industry and community and also achieve skills for employment/ self employability of the above sections of people.

In short, Community College is place for Education, Training and Employment in the relevant Industry.

Tamil Nadu Open University started approving/ recognizing Community Colleges in India for offering Tamil Nadu Open University Vocational Education Programmes in the year 2004 by offering six trades through 70 Vocational Programme Centres (VPC) and 1187 students on-roll. Initially the University started with six trades of Vocational Education and currently offers 13 trades of Vocational Education Programmes. The Certificate level Vocational Education Programmes where upgraded to Diploma level with inclusion of Life Coping Skills and Communication Skills as compulsory courses of study. Print Materials in Self Instructional Format (SIM), Practical Components and CDs are also prepared for these Programmes.

The success of TNOU-Model has motivated Government of Tamil Nadu to issue G.O.163 dated 22-5-2008 for the recognition of Community Colleges with the possibility of Vertical mobility to the students of Community Colleges. TNOU started the recognition of Community Colleges as per G.O.163 from the year 2010 and at present the TNOU has established 140 Community Colleges. More than one lakh students has been trained in the Vocational Education Programmes of TNOU.

The Open University of Gujarat has appreciated the initiatives of Government of Tamil Nadu and the TNOU for the Community College Movement. The Vice-Chancellor of BRAOU and the Education Secretary from the Government of Gujarat visited TNOU to study about the functioning and implementation of Vocational Education Programmes through Community Colleges.

The Tamil Nadu State Government has lend its support to the students of Community Colleges by allotting fund for issue of Scholarship vide G.O. No. 369 dated 08-09-2008 and G.O. No.47 dated 28-03-2013. Based on the G.O. TNOU provide Scholarship for all the students registered in Tamil Nadu Open University through Community Colleges irrespective caste, creed and religion.

Knowledge through Global Research

The Course based projects, social impact projects, certificate courses offered by the University provide the knowledge regarding cutting edge technologies, enabling the students to carry out inter-disciplinary research, to gain a place among the leading Institutions in research activities and to create an encouraging atmosphere for connecting the University with industries by promoting the collaborative Research Projects and Consultancy Research, being discussed nationally and globally, to find the suitable technical solutions and for obtaining the patent rights on their novel research findings.

Since the Vision of the Institute focuses on comprehensive and sustained growth of the students and that of the University, the University serves as a unique tenet that directs the Institute's de facto modus operandi which leads to appreciable, all-round performance by assuring global standards through valueadding education and interdisciplinary research paving ways to sustainable development.

The objectives of the excavation are to unlock the hoariness of the Tamil culture and Heritage and to unveil various glorious elements of ancient lifestyle of Tamils and the affluent imprints and the various phases of development in the ancient Tamil community. The notion of this practice is to educate the students, scholars and public in understanding the process of retrieving the ancient antiquities and the process of conservation to expose the glorious past. It also helps us in understanding that how we have adapted the modern lifestyle from the ancient social structure. TNOU is the first Open University in South India to conduct archaeology excavation. This is the only available site with the Sangam Age fort found intact, of nearly 1.56 kms in circumference and surrounded by a moat. The site yielded a Hero Stone with inscription of 2nd AD. The excavation yielded more than 200 antiquities like beads made out of various raw materials - bone tools, conch, iron pieces, bangles, bone pieces of animals, potteries with graffiti marks, etc. One of the important and the unique identifications is the exposure of a pottery with Tamizhi script of 2nd BCE.

TNOU- Excavation of Porpanaikottai

Get In Touch

    Tamil Nadu Open University
No 577, Anna Salai, Saidapet,
Chennai - 600 015.


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